We actually are just trying to get you home to your family…Yes, it’s about making money, but also it’s about your family who’s sitting at home hoping you get back safely.” These powerful words from our guest today reflect well upon one of the most important cogs in the wheel of the trucking industry – the Safety Coordinators. On this episode, we welcome a superstar of safety and a longtime member of the Norton Transport family, Barbara Smith. Having grown up in a trucking family and having experienced life on the road as a driver herself, there may not be a better person to lead in the safety space. Look, no driver likes having someone looking over their shoulder to make sure they’re following certain rules or protocols. Barbara knows that, but she also knows something else. She knows that behind every driver, there is a host of people who love him or her. So, for Barbara, it’s not just about getting trucks delivered; it’s about getting drivers home. We’re so pleased to welcome one of trucking’s finest, Barbara Smith, on this edition of the #SixFigureTrucker.
Show Notes:
Welcoming one of the OG’s of the Norton family, Barbara Smith! (1:05)
Before working in safety, Barbara took her turn behind the wheel (4:14)
Barbara shares her passion for her Drivers’ Safety (9:38)
In her trucking life, Galveston, TX was one of her favorite stops (16:55)
Keep Trucking, Barbara!
The Six-Figure Trucker is a weekly podcast about driveaway trucking brought to you by Norton Transport.