EP124: Driveaway Magic: Kevin Tutt’s Journey to Freedom through Driveaway Trucking

Our guest today joins us live from Hollywood Studios at Disney World in Florida! This is apropos for this podcast, as the freedom of driveaway trucking makes this possible. As a driveaway driver, Kevin Tutt is his own boss. He works when he wants and vacations when he wants to vacation. Oh, and by the way, when he does vacation, he does so in style because of the cash he banks when he does work the wheels of driveaway! In addition to his over-the-road advice, we’ll hear Kevin’s story on today’s episode as he shares his experiences in sports and as a professional musician. Don’t miss this conversation on this episode of the #SixFigureTrucker.

Show Notes:

  • Kevin Tutt joins us live from Disney World! (1:00)
  • A Driveaway Trucking Road Warrior (4:24)
  • Sage Advice from Lessons learned (11:26)
  • “Eternal Flight” – Kevin’s background in Sports and Music (15:07)
  • Kevin shares his favorite trucks and future in driveaway (22:44)
  • As we wrap, Kevin appreciates his dispatcher and pitches driveaway (26:38)

Keep Trucking, Kevin!

The Six-Figure Trucker is a weekly podcast about driveaway trucking brought to you by Norton Transport