EP131: Driven to Succeed: Leopold Ruddock’s Journey to Driveaway Success – Part 2

We were introduced last week to Leopold Ruddock and were amazed at his talent and tenacity to become the fastest track athlete in his class and set records that still stand at the school of his homeland in Jamaica. Today, we hear how that same talent and tenacity fueled his rise to become a nationally top-ranked driver in his new homeland of America. You simply can’t keep this man down. Driveaway’s Leo-the-Lion is driven to succeed, and he does it with class. As you’ll hear in today’s conversation, he carries a deep respect for the craft and for the people he meets along the way. Leo Ruddock certainly has our respect, and we’re pleased to have him back on the show for today’s episode of the #SixFigureTrucker.

Show Notes:

  • Following his Lady to America (0:55)
  • Leo overcomes odds on his way to his career behind the wheel (4:38)
  • Becoming the #1 Driver in the Country! (12:42)
  • Sage advice from a 36 year Veteran of Trucking (16:44)

Keep Truckin’, Leo!

The Six-Figure Trucker is a weekly podcast about driveaway trucking brought to you by Norton Transport.