EP135: Journalist, Veteran, and Ballroom Pro: Meet Mark Nichols, Driveaway’s Renaissance Man

We’re riding shotgun with another fascinating guest on today’s episode of the Six Figure Trucker. Actually, fascinating doesn’t do it justice. Before taking his seat behind the wheel of Driveaway, Mark Nichols experienced life as a combat veteran, published journalist, and ballroom dancing instructor. Bet you didn’t guess that last one! But, it’s true, and this part of the story gets even crazier. As you’ll hear in our conversation, Mark once leveraged his dancing talents for an opportunity to grace the Opryland stage alongside Dwight Yoakam at the CMA Awards! We’re simply amazed by the fascinating lives of the men and women of driveaway trucking. Tune in today to hear Mark’s story and glean valuable insights into Driveaway Trucking from this 7-year veteran of the open roads. 

Show Notes:

  • Mark’s colorful background in the Military and Journalism (1:13)
  • Venturing into the world of Podcasting (5:40)
  • The sights and sounds of 7 years in Driveaway (10:49)
  • Becoming a Ballroom Dancing Instructor (16:55)
  • On Stage with Country star, Dwight Yoakam (25:06)
  • Sage advice for Driveaway Drivers (31:12)

Keep Trucking, Mark!

The Six-Figure Trucker is a weekly podcast about driveaway trucking brought to you by Norton Transport