“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” This saying rings true in this space, as successful truckers don’t just wish themselves there. No, Six Figure Truckers are planners. They go hand in hand. But, as it turns out, there is something else that goes hand in hand with good planning. Patience. When a good plan goes up in smoke due to forces outside one’s control, their response is as important as their plan. If “a goal without a plan is just a wish,” a plan without patience is a powder keg. Countless variables in this business of trucking can disrupt a plan, but the key question is this: will they disrupt your peace?
We’re thrilled to welcome a driver today who has learned to roll with the punches and maintain his poise. It’s a poise that is most evident in how he treats others. Abdur Martin is kind. Moreover, he’s an ambassador for kindness and someone we can all learn from. Don’t miss a minute of our conversation with Abdur Martin on today’s episode of the #SixFigureTrucker.
Show Notes:
- Catching up with Abdur at dinner in Radford, VA (1:10)
- Seek to be Humble and Strive for Peace no matter the circumstances (5:57)
- Living large on the Short Runs (16:02)
- Make a Plan and Laugh with God (24:15)
- A Fiance for Valentine’s Day! (30:02)
- The “Best Dispatcher” and the importance of Kindness (35:19)
- As a true businessman, Abdur prefers Driveaway (40:57)
- A perfect Match made on Facebook (42:54)
- With no plans to retire anytime soon, Abdur pitches Driveaway Trucking! (45:22)
Keep Truckin’ Abdur!
The Six Figure Trucker is a weekly conversation that shares the strategies and stories that successful drivers have used to build lucrative careers in the trucking industry.