Our guest today is living proof that you can make Six Figures in trucking and still have a life. Jermaine Dudley puts his family first, refuses to cut corners, keeps a safe and reasonable pace, and even pastors a church on the weekends. Yet, the good Reverend still brings home nearly three grand a week revving up those engines as a deck driver for Norton Transport. That’s incredible! Hear how this veteran in the industry has managed to find this level of balance as he drops some valuable wisdom on this week’s episode of the #SixFigureTrucker.
- Jermaine talks his history in Trucking and journey to Norton (1:10)
- The Contract verses Company side – pros and cons (2:15)
- The unique yet lucrative world of Deck Driving (5:02)
- Safety must be first (12:28)
- What Inspires Jermaine to keep Trucking? (20:57)
- The Money side – “That’s Six Figures folks” (24:20)
- Checking in with the Truckyard Legend (30:21)
- The Winning Culture at Norton (36:40)
- SFT Eats with Jermaine Dudley (42:15)
Keep Truckin Jermaine!
The Six Figure Trucker is a weekly conversation that shares the strategies and stories that successful truck drivers have used to build lucrative careers in the trucking industry. For more information or to subscribe, please visit https://www.six-figuretrucker.com/.